The Art of Winning: Success and The Company You Keep

Issue # 20

Today’s Topics

  • The Company We Keep 🥀

  • Retreat Is Not Defeat 🥷 

       3 Mins Read Time

The Company We Keep 🥀

By Jo

In our society, there exists an unspoken code, a pact of loyalty that binds communities together. Yet, there are those who choose to break this trust, to betray their peers for personal gain or self-preservation.

They betray the very bonds that hold us together, sacrificing integrity for fleeting rewards…

The narrative is not confined to any particular realm; it transcends genres and contexts. It speaks to the essence of human nature—the temptation to prioritize personal interests over collective well-being.

Some seek fame and fortune, drawn to success at any cost. They trade their principles for a taste of spotlight, oblivious to the repercussions of their actions.

Others plot and scheme, guarding their own interests. They build empires on shaky foundations, only to see them crumble under the weight of their own deceit, eventually.

And then there are those who fold to pressure.… Not much else to say…

What happened to voices of reasoning? They remind us of the importance of integrity, of staying true to our values even in the face of adversity.

In the end, the message is clear: betrayal knows no boundaries. It can infiltrate any community, regardless of background or affiliation. It's a universal theme that resonates with all of us, reminding us of the importance of trust and loyalty in our interactions with others.

So let this serve as a cautionary tale—a reminder of the consequences of betraying the bonds that hold us together. For in a world filled with temptation and deceit, integrity remains our most valuable currency.

Retreat Is Not Defeat 🥷

By Marcus

In the famous words of Kenny Rogers,

You've got to know when to hold 'em

Know when to fold 'em

Know when to walk away

And know when to run”

I know Kenny’s song was about gambling, but that lesson transcends the poker table.

Most of us play the game of life to “win”. We take risks, explore options and deal with failure. Part of this is knowing when it's time to close up shop and move on to the next adventure. Walking away from a losing battle doesn't mean you're a failure.

I’d like to help you through sharing a bit of my story.

Walking Away

I started my own business a little over 4 years ago. I drafted a business plan, created an LLC, opened a business banking account, all the things I was supposed to do. I was proud to truly be a “business owner, entrepreneur, founder. All the buzzwords…. I was that and proud of it.

A few months ago, I dissolved my LLC, closed my business account and let that dream of business die.


Well, my business wasn’t profitable (my accountant made sure I understood how unprofitable I was). The vision I had initially to create a social network for personal development was a thing of the past. I no longer had the interest or energy to continue. The associated projects I worked on never materialized to anything. I realized it was more effort to maintain the business and it was time to close that chapter of my life.


The NBA basketball season is 82 games.

Can you lose a few games and still win the championship at the end of the season?

Of course you can!!

There is a reason why coaches pull their star players out of the game when the score is lopsided, and the game is clearly lost. It’s a retreat so the players can have a shot at winning more games in the long run.

If you are feeling like a failure because ONLY ONE of your dreams didn’t work out how you wanted, remember, from failure…...

You’ll learn.

You’ll grow.

and in the end, you’ll win!

More on this:

Here’s a Youtube short from Basketball Legend Kobe Bryant and Giannis Anteokounmpo on how failure leads to success.


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