The Silent Pursuit of Happiness

Issue #68

Today’s Topics

  • Smile for Me🙂

  • The Silent Majority 🤫

    5 Mins Read Time

Smile for Me🙂

By Jo

In order to truly secure your happiness, you have to understand what happiness is all about. Where does it come from? Why do you feel it so deeply when it shows up? And perhaps more importantly, why does it sometimes feel so far out of reach?

Let me break it down for you: happiness is heavily dependent on your past endeavors and just a small portion of your present. Your past plays a significant role in shaping how you view and experience happiness today. When those past endeavors, mistakes, or struggles become too heavy, they can haunt your psyche. You may find it difficult, if not impossible, to move forward. That weight from the past will trap you, keeping you stuck in a mental loop that clouds your present and future.

The only way out of this cycle is acceptance. You must face those past struggles, bad decisions, or painful experiences head-on. You can’t pretend they didn’t happen or hope they will fade away with time. They won’t. They will sit in the background, growing louder and heavier until you confront them. Acceptance is the key to unlocking the next chapter of your life.

Once you reach the point of acceptance, you can graduate to new endeavors. You can begin to build a future that is no longer chained to your past. However, this journey is different for everyone. Everyone has a different tolerance for mental and physical baggage. What one person can carry with ease, another may struggle with. That’s okay. The important part is recognizing when the load is getting too heavy. When you feel that weight pressing down on you, causing misery and frustration, it’s time to reassess and take action.

Think about it: there’s nothing worse than being $30k or more in credit card debt with no steady income. That kind of situation can crush your spirit. It can make you feel like there’s no way out. But there is. You just have to start somewhere. Fix your attitude, pick yourself up, and work at it step by step.

The same principle applies to other areas of life. People don’t become overweight overnight. Knowing this, you should also realize it takes time and effort to get back in shape. It’s a process, and patience is key. The examples may vary, but the concept is universal. When life gets too heavy, when the burden becomes unbearable, you need to make a change.

Take care of yourself. Mentally, physically, emotionally. It’s getting serious out here. The world is moving fast, and the pressures are real. But your happiness is worth fighting for. It won’t come from ignoring your struggles or pretending everything is fine. It will come from facing your past, accepting your reality, and working diligently toward a future that you can be proud of.

So, secure your happiness. Not by chasing quick fixes, but by doing the real work. It’s tough, but I promise you, that smile you’ll wear afterward? It’ll be worth every bit of the struggle.

The Silent Majority 🤫

By Marcus

It’s a lot of noise out there. Even if you try to avoid it, the news always finds a way to reach you. People are upset about one thing or another, and it can be overwhelming.

What I’ve noticed is that most people have a lot in common despite what we’re often led to believe.

  • Survival – Food, shelter

  • Safety & Security – Finances, a stable environment

  • Well-Being – Health (mental & physical), positive relationships

Of course, there is nuance here, but at the core, this is what most people strive for each day. Each day, the majority of people wake up and work toward obtaining or maintaining these three needs—each of us with varying degrees of difficulty.

For most of us, it’s a grind we accept as a part of life. We table our problems, put on a happy face for work, and push through.

We just go about our way, doing what needs to be done. No noise. Just working for those basic human needs.

Survive & Provide

When I leave my home, I remind myself that everyone I interact with is dealing with something. The cashier at the grocery store, the coworker on a video call, the customer service rep, the person sitting next to me at a stoplight—we’re all very similar.

We’re all just trying to survive and provide—for ourselves and for others. There’s no malicious intent; most people are quietly going about their business, trying to live a normal life.

It’s all the noise that will make you feel otherwise.

The thing about the silent majority is that they rarely speak up—because they don’t feel the need to.

We are more alike, my friends, than we are unalike."
Maya Angelou


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